
Few words elicit an emotional response more strongly than the word “failure.” One of the biggest obstacles to success is a fear of failure. In fact, most people are more motivated to avoid failure than they are to achieve success. 

Most people don’t even have written goals because of a fear of failure. When you set a goal you’re defining success, but you’re also defining failure! 

However, failure is a necessary part of success and successful living. Failure is a common result. It’s a lot more common than success. Failure is a short stop along the path to success. There is no significant success without a significant amount of failure, too. 

Perhaps failure is something that should be welcomed, or at least considered neutral and expected. You should anticipate a fair amount of failure along the way. 

If you’re not failing, you’re not trying. 


“Ours is a world where people don’t know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.”
- Don Marquis


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Also…Add to Your Cart… Fearless: How To Turn Failure Into Success By Developing A Fearless Mindset  Worksheet.  This worksheet supports the eBook, puts you in action and on the road to a successful future.  You can find the worksheet on the home page under Digital – Workbooks.



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